Вердикты | Steward Decisions Indycar 2022

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Alexander Meshkov

Администратор VRC
Гонщик VRC
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All post-race stewards decisions posted here.

If you do not agree with decision you can appeal in Appeals topic on forum in 24 hours after decisions were published. Protest will be reviewed with another stewards.

Alexander Meshkov

Администратор VRC
Гонщик VRC
Round 12 - Las Vegas

1. Steneker
2. Feodorov
3. 01:06:45
4. I'm revoking my protest.
Incident has been reviewed - Racing Incident - no penalty

1. Steneker
2. Palits, Savelyev, Simpson, Vagapov
3. 00:07:26
4. I get 7 points for what. Simpson was not taken out by me but by Vagapov. I am generally surprised (shocked) to see he is not even mentioned in the verdict. Simpson would have avoided the incident if Vagapov didn't turn into his rear wheels. I don't blame Peter, but why I'm getting blamed for this is beyond my understanding.
Also, I understeer a tiny bit, Palits hits my rear wheel, I need to try and save the car, he hits my wheel again, and this causes me to move up the track even more. How are you giving me the full blame on this incident and cannot see it's actually a racing incident.
I understand it's hard to judge incidents like this but please look at what the other cars are doing and see that Simpson was not taken out by me, but instead Vagapov hitting Elliot caused the crash to become so much worse and caused me to spin around and get a lot of damage because of it.
Only thing that can be blamed on my is the initial understeer.
The following consequence at which Palits started to hit my rear wheel and caused my car to turn to the wall, I am a victim here, as well as Palits, Elliot and Alexey. Should be racing incident or at least less penalty points.
Incident has been reviewed - Henk-Jan Steneker - 2 penalty points, -4 championship points

1. Steneker
2. Feodorov
3. 00:53:46
4. In front, Alexey is taken out by Vagapov. Again, the stewards did not look at this.
I am approaching fast, taking caution in overtaking. Behind me Feodorov is trying to be really aggressive and he decides to make it three wide. I am trying to be safe and not cause further crashes and collisions but Feodorov decides to gamble his race, sticks his nose between me and the wall and hits my rear wheels. I get slammed into the wall with big damage as a consequence but on top I somehow also get blamed while he decided to make the situation dangerous by overtaking for a 3 wide under an already dangerous situation that I'm trying to pass through safely.
Should be racing incident.
Incident has been reviewed. Stewards' decision - Leave the penalty in place.
Car #27 had moment in T1 but entering T2 driver had full car control. Car #27 hold bottom line through T2. Car #13 enters T2 already on high line and hold that line. It was responsibility of car #25 to hold middle line at T2 exit.
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